Brand & Creative Strategist


Strategy & creative for brands, publications, and people.

There are three things that drive me: problem-solving, people, and purpose.


Problem-solving: I love running headlong into a complex problem, breaking it down, assessing multiple moving parts, determining best-fit scenarios, and then pivoting when all the variables change. Creative problem solving? Triple bonus.

People: My undergraduate degree is in psychology, and I have a master’s degree in counseling. I think a lot about how other people think–what they are concerned with, how they approach a problem, and how best to communicate with them in a way that will resonate.

Purpose: I am passionate about helping, changing, and growing. While I love the problem-solving and deep thinking I do in marketing, I am also deeply connected to the service-based, mission-driven work I had in the art, education, and non-profit worlds. This is a passion I carry through to my photobook publishing imprint, Yoffy Press – it is a perfect marriage of strategy and purpose.

My career path has been creative, non-traditional, and entrepreneurial. All of my ventures (or adventures) have centered around a passion for developing and driving the strategy that connects to the authentic needs of people and solving problems to create positive change.

This is my charisma – strategic but scrappy, a thinker and a lover, an idea-person who is thrilled when a collaborator has a better one. Let’s connect!